Tuesday, 10 September 2019

The Reason why home made juice surpass any other juice you can buy.

I will rather make my natural fruits than buying them in the supermarket. Juice function is very crucial to the body, A lot of nutrients can be absorbed from drinking juice than eating it. Everybody want juice, every body need juice: Many people can not do without buying minerals or juice in a day to detoxify the body, clear minds and for relaxation.

Most parents give their children juice to school because they believe children love 😍 them and it will aid the digestion of snacks.

The difference between buying juice from supermarket and making your own juice. 

Natural juice nutrient supersede the one you buy from supermarkets; It is natural because you make it by yourself without adding water or sugar. The juice from the supermarket has being squeezed, packed, and diluted with the highest concentration of water. Some are even power mixed with sugar and water and it has no nutrient for the body.

How to make natural juice within 5 minutes.


🌸Water melon
🌸Ripe Pineapple


🍁Pill the back of your watermelon, ripe pineapple, orange and banana.

🍁Cut in to small, blend together and add a little honey.

Yes your natural juice is ready. It is better severe cold. You can take it to your working place and also packed it for your children to school.

The benefits of Natural Juice. 
🌸Natural fruit aids digestion of food

🌸It provides vitamins and minerals to the body.

🌸It boost our  immune system.

🌸It reduces risks of cancer.

🌸It clears mind and give bust of energy.

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